Add highlight colors in word
Add highlight colors in word

They can be given as key-value pairs separated by commas. Parameters : master represents parent window and option represents various widget options. And everything can be formatted as per the requirements. We can also use images in the text and insert borders as well. We can also use tabs and marks for locating and editing sections of data.

add highlight colors in word

Text widgets have advanced options for editing a text with multiple lines and format the display settings of that text example font, text color, background color.

  • Main event loop for every trigger by the user for performing specific actions.
  • Add various widgets to the GUI application as per requirements.
  • The Tk GUI toolkit provides an object-oriented interface.įor creating GUI applications using Tkinter we have to follow a few steps – Tkinter and Python together provide a faster way for GUI development. Python has various options for Graphical User Interface (GUI) development.
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  • Add highlight colors in word how to#

    How to get column names in Pandas dataframe.

    add highlight colors in word

    Adding new column to existing DataFrame in Pandas.ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam.ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys.Then, paste ( Ctrl + V) the copied content within this document. Now, launch Word and create a new document. Thereafter copy ( Ctrl + C) the selected text to the Clipboard. GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys Follow these steps to learn how to highlight a text within PowerPoint 2013 for Windows: Select the text on your slide, as shown in Figure 1, below.

    Add highlight colors in word